Monday, January 19, 2009

Back to Basics

Virtuousity: Doing the common uncommonly well

Ok, time to bite the bullet. For the next 6 to 9 weeks I'm going back to basics. 3 weeks of Power to the People using conventional-stance deadlifts and standing presses, then 3-6 weeks of Starting Strength.

One of the easiest things for trainers to forget is to make full use of the basic tools in the toolbox. I love my CrossFit, but when I find myself at a plateau (or moving backwards!) it's time to pull out the ol' basics and really focus on those.

Starting with approximately 70% of my 5RM on DL and moving up about 5% each workout, 4-5 workouts each week. I'm starting extra light on my press, since my shoulder is nagging at me still.


Warmup (modified standard DEFY! warmup):
- Foam roller
- Jump rope (2 minutes)
- Samson stretch
2 rounds of:
- 16 kg kb swings x5
- 45 lb front squats x5
- 30 lb overhead squats x5
- back extensions x5
- pullups x5
Scap retraction/protraction/elevation/depression sequence

DL: 250 x 5
225 x 5
Press: 85 x 5
75 x 5

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