Talking to Patty, Ellen, and Rich yesterday, the subject of goals for 2009 came up. I am a huge fan of goals, and I can definitely see the point of linking them with each coming year, quarter, month, or hour.
Now, this is something I think about a lot. 2009 is the year I want to hit a 1200 lb total in unequipped powerlifting, and a CrossFit total of 5x Bodyweight, or CFT5x (at DEFY! we track our CFT relative to bodyweight, as well as total score). I've hit 990 before (so, well into the CFT4x realm), but haven't hit that millenium mark. I'm thinking 1075 is going to be the goal to hit 5x.
I want to improve all my other scores as well. But even for the CFT, which is my favorite OMGBFFWOD, I'm not at the "I want it so bad I can taste it" stage. so I started doing some thinking on that. What do I want that badly? What is my o'erarching desire to achieve in the upcoming 12 months?
A lot of what I want to do is business-related - I want to grow my affiliate to a much more sustainable level. I have home-and-family goals as well, particularly since my daughter will be leaving for college in the fall(!)
The more I thought about it, the more it came down to intensity. I'm actually in the middle of an article about intensity in training, but it doesn't stop there. In fitness, intensity is giving your all for a workout. How does that translate to everything else in life?
One of the first things I learned as a trainer was how to come in to a session and turn off anything else going on. Traffic, dinner, kids' homework, tomorrow's workout, etc. all got put in a box that could be dealt with when I didn't have a client depending on my observation. When I put on my "trainer" hat, I tuned 100% into the moment. That's what is needed in every aspect of my life.
I'm working right now on figuring out how to make this a goal, or series of goals, rather than a resolution. "Live more intensely" doesn't tell me anything. "From 9:30 to 10:30, Mon-Fri I will concentrate exclusively on [a specific business-building mode]" is more useful. Eating dinner with my family is an activity - not an opportunity to watch the news. If I'm doing my bookkeeping, that's all I should be doing. If I'm blogging (which actually is valuable networking), that doesn't mean I'm puttering around looking at the pictures a friend put up on Facebook of her new puppy.
100%-in-the-moment. I guess my current goal is to goalize (hey, any noun can be verbed) that resolution.
1/10/09 WOD
Turkish Getups 1-1-1-1-1 (5 x 1 per side)
35# with a kettlebell, the rest with an olympic barbell
Not bad. I've been really conservative on my left shoulder, so I'm pretty happy all-in-all. Of course, Michael, Rich, and Luke have all broken the 100# mark on their TGUs, so I have something to shoot for...
I think it is time for another blog post. ;)